Cartoon of my life: Fighting flower cows

So…this happens to me every summer when I go to Norway to spend vacation at my parents summerhouse at ‘Jomfruland’. Wild, live cows walking around = wild west at the Island Jomfruland. Why? Because cows take what they want, like my pretty, freshly picked flowers, and after that, they shit where they like.  Oh, cannot wait for summer! 


Have a great thursday evening! And hang in there, tomorrow it’s friday! Hurray hurray!

Cheers, MayPaj. 

I got a new job!

Hoi people!

Sorry there has been little updates from Amsterdam lately, but I have been very busy having visitors during easter and getting a job.I am now enjoying my second day as a content-manager for a dutch firm called Imbull. Hurray hurray! And it is a beautiful park next to the office, that I enjoyed earlier.



Anyways, lunch is over! So gotta get back to work.

Have a lovely day guys! And thanks for stopping buy.

Cheers, MayPaj.  

Cartoon of my life: Café with Reneé and Renske


Today the weather has been horrible! Rain, then sun, then rain and then buckshot and then more rain! But anyways, I defied the weather and went to ‘Barones’ with Reneé and Renske to have coffee. It was very nice, and although we were extremely let gang we had some good laughs (internal humor so no point in explaining. Mehe).


Now I am gonna chill until the weather gets better. Have a nice day!
And thank you for stopping by my blog!
Cheers, MayPaj.

Cartoon of my life: Spriiing in Amsterdam!

 Hell yeah!

It´s so good to be back in Amsterdam. Its green here (and no good fellows, I am not referring to marihuana) but to the lovely green grass, the blooming flowers and the leaf springing on the threes. Ah, can life be better? I think not. I wish I could take this feeling, capture it and store it in a plastic jar so that I could have a sniff of good life whenever life is not so good. Oh, anyways. Enough blabla for now. Have a lovely day people! And thanks for stopping by.


Cheers, MayPaj.

Photodump from Norway: Rocking Oslo and Moss


Just came back to Oslo after a super weekend in Moss at Anders and Rebekka’s place. And in a bit I am leaving O-town again to visit my grandparents and my cousin and her family in Porsgrunn. Fun, fun, fun! Here is a photodump from Norway. Have a nice day!



Cheers, Maypaj. 

Cartoon of my life: Ultimate happiness

A very early good morning to you! Thanks for stopping by!

Right now I am normally sleeping like a baby, but I am so excited and filled up with energy after the grill-party yesterday, so decided to do something creative instead. 

Yesterday was so great! OMG! I cant believe we were so lucky with the wheater and that so many awesome people joined the grill party. And while I was eating veggie sausages with Samantha I could not stop thinking about how this must be a form for ultimate happiness – sitting in the spring sun, eating good food, drinking beers and laughing with friends. Ah! It was amazing! Looking forward to more of this goodstuff! 



Have a great day! And thanks again for stopping by to read my blog!

Cheers, Maypaj

Photodump: This years first grill party

Woo! Today has been amazing! We have had such a blast in the garden, grilling and drinking beers in the sun! Love it! Here are some pics from our awesome day. 


Hope you had a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by my blog! 

Cheers, Maypaj

Photodump: Flexing ze muscles


Cartoon of my life: Surprise visit! Hurray!

God evening!

Oh, its been so many years since someone last came on a surprise visit. When I was younger, before the invasion of the internet and the cellphone (jikes! I seem very old when I say it like that!), my friends and I would always go knock on each others doors and ask for a playdate. Now a days however, people are normally to lazy to do that because of the easiness of communication technology. Therefore I was very happy and surprised when Renske knocked on my door earlier. It was amazing! Her battery had gone out so she decided to stop by instead of going straight home. And Renske, Lucas and I had some wine and some good laughs before Renske had to leave to do her homework. Ah! Had a great time! People should do stuff like that more often! 


Cheers, Maypaj.

Photodump ala early spring: Amsterdam I love you!

I like being a grown up. Cause that means that I can do whatever I want, like eating ice-cream that Vas gave me for breakfast. Yum yum! Here you can see he was enjoying one himself.Image

This photo is taken the last time Renske and I went for beer. I borrowed her hat to camouflage myself. Did not succeed. Unfortunately. Haha. But we had a awesome time!Image

Got tipsy on two beers. Lol. Getting old perhaps?Image

Trever and Vas enjoying their ice-cream and the warming sun in the garden at PG. Nice!Image

Vas practices for his next photo-shoot. Yes, the topic is pornography. Image

Goodtims! I love these guys!Image

Renske is hiding behind her beer trying to escape me from capturing the goodtimes! Haha. She failed.Image

Garfield the cat. The ultimate cuddlemachine. Always around begging for food. Mrrrr. Image

Two beers later…Image